The Ant-Filtrator

What is it?
The Ant-Filtrator is my Game Production I class project. I worked with a team of 5 to create a stealth platformer where you play as a robotic ant infiltrating a bee hive. Players must switch between different robotic parts to sneak past bees. We had 1 semester to produce this game.
What's my role?
As producer for team ANT I communicated between teams and kept us on task. I use Trello to organize tasks, created a roadmap, and use daily stand ups to ensure I always know the state of the project. This allows me to hit the ground running in our team meetings and use the time to its fullest.
Every 2 weeks we presented a milestone version of our game. I create our presentation materials and present our progress to the class. I also run playtests and gather data used to improve.

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