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Party Crashers - FUSE

What is it?

Party Crashers is a VR experience where you have to save your birthday from being overrun by evil piñatas. To correctly play this game you must side load it onto an Oculus Quest 2 using the Meta Quest Developer Hub.
This project was a catapult game for Bradley University's FUSE showcase. I joined the project after it was chosen by the department to go into production. It was developed in a semester and is available to play on Itch.io.

What's my role?

As a freshman, this project was my first time working as a producer. I collaborated with Will, another freshman, to lead the team. I worked with the programming and design team and Will worked with the art team. Every meeting, we'd run stand ups. From there I'd meet with each member of my sub-team and delegate tasks from the roadmap. I created playtest forms to organize our feedback data. I also analyzed our data to pitch necessary changes to our team lead. Our team used Jira for the begging stages of the project. However, I realized that Jira wasn't working for our team and switched our system to putting a task list in discord and asking for status updates regularily. That way 

Meet the team!